Pekka Sutela: The Road to the Russian Market Economy, Selected Essays, 1993-1998

TitlePekka Sutela: The Road to the Russian Market Economy, Selected Essays, 1993-1998
Publication TypeBook review
AuthorsCsaba, L.
Book reviewed (all data)`The Road to the Russian Market Economy, Selected Essays, 1993-1998, ' by Pekka Sutela. ISBN: 0966-8136

Accession Number: 2291506; Csaba, Laszlo; Issue Info: Sep99, Vol. 51 Issue 6, p1110; Subject Term: BOOKS; Reviews & Products: ROAD to the Russian Market Economy, Selected Essays, 1993-1998, The (Book); Number of Pages: 3p; Document Type: Book Review; Full Text Word Count: 1717

Department of International Relations