Stalin and Stalinism: a review article

TitleStalin and Stalinism: a review article
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsThatcher, I. D., Z. A. Kruszewski, K. Wolczuk, T. Christin, L. Csaba, S. Plekhanov, M. Ellman, D. Bezemer, and R. Taylor
Journal titleEurope-Asia Studies
Pages907 - 932

Discusses several books about stalinism. "The Stalin-Kaganovich Correspondence 1931-1936," edited by R.W. Davies, Oleg V. Khlevniuk and E.A. Rees; "Stalinism," edited by David L. Hoffman; "Stalinist Values: The Cultural Norms of Soviet Modernity, 1917-1941," by David L. Hoffman; "Stalin's Terror: High Politics and Mass Repression in the Soviet Union," edited by Barry McLoughlin and Kevin McDermott.


Accession Number: 14352549; Thatcher, Ian D. 1; Kruszewski, Zbigniew Anthony 2; Wolczuk, Kataryna 3; Christin, Thomas 4; Csaba, Laszlo 5; Plekhanov, Sergei 6; Ellman, Michael 7; Bezemer, Dirk 8; Taylor, Robert 9; Affiliations: 1: University of Leicester; 2: University of Texas at El Paso; 3: University of Birmingham; 4: Universität St. Gallen; 5: Central European University; 6: York University, Toronto; 7: Amsterdam University; 8: Imperial College; 9: University of Sheffield; Issue Info: Sep2004, Vol. 56 Issue 6, p907; Subject Term: BOOKS; Subject Term: COMMUNISM; Reviews & Products: STALIN-Kaganovich Correspondence 1931-1936, The (Book); Reviews & Products: STALINISM (Book); Reviews & Products: STALINIST Values: The Cultural Norms of Soviet Modernity 1917-1941 (Book); Reviews & Products: STALIN'S Terror: High Politics & Mass Repression in the Soviet Union (Book); Number of Pages: 26p; Document Type: Article

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Department of International Relations