Pakalkaite Presents Energy Research Papers at ECPR Conference on Regulatory Governance

A member of the Energy Policy Research Group Vija Pakalkaite in Tilburg

Vija Pakalkaite, who began her doctoral studies at CEU in 2012, received funding from the School of Public Policy Travel and Research Grant Fund to attend the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Conference on Regulatory Governance in Tilburg, the Netherlands in July.

In a single-author paper entitled “Using EU Directives as Opportunity Structures to Implement Energy Reforms: Strategic Games of Lithuania,” Pakalkaite dissects the recent reform of the Lithuanian natural gas sector through the lens of power games by domestic and international actors.

Pakalkaite also presented a paper that she authored with Dr. Philipp Thaler (PhD 2016), “Real-time Compliance Tames Intergovernmentalism: Commission Influence on Member States’ External Energy Policy,” in which they analyse the practical and theoretical implications of the European Commission’s unprecedented involvement in generally bilateral energy negotiations with private energy suppliers. 

You can read a story about Pakalkaite's participation in this important conference here.