Publications of Tóka, G.

Tóka G. Political Parties and Democratic Consolidation in East Central Europe. Vol 279. Glasgow: Centre for the Study of Public Policy (University of Strathclyde); 1997.
Tóka G. Parties and electoral choices in East-Central Europe. In: Pridham G, Lewis PG, editors. Stabilising fragile democracies : comparing new party systems in Southern and Eastern Europe. New York: Routledge; 1996. p. 100-25.
Markowski R, Tóka G. Zwrot na lewo w Polsce i na Wegrzech piec lat po upkadu komunizmu. In: Gebethner S, editor. Wybory parlamentarne 1991 i 1993 a polska scena polityczna. Warszawa: Wydawn. Sejmowe; 1995. p. 193-218.
Tóka G. Political Support in East–Central Europe. In: Klingemann H-D, Fuchs D, editors. Citizens and the state. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1995.
Tóka G. Parties and their voters in 1990 and 1994. In: Király BK, Bozóki A, editors. Lawful Revolution in Hungary, 1989-94. Boulder, CO: Social Science Monographs; 1995. p. 131-57.
Tóka G. A Short History of the Hungarian Parties of the Transition. In: The 1990 election to the Hungarian National Assembly : analyses, documents and data. Berlin: Sigma; 1995. p. 32-40.
Tóka G. Seats and Votes: Consequences of the Hungarian Election Law. In: The 1990 election to the Hungarian National Assembly : analyses, documents and data. Berlin: Sigma; 1995. p. 41-66.
Tóka G. Voting behavior in 1990. In: The 1990 election to the Hungarian National Assembly : analyses, documents and data. Berlin: Sigma; 1995. p. 84-123.
Tóka G. Who is satisfied with democracy? In: Bozóki A, editor. Democratic legitimacy in post-communist societies. Budapest: T-Twins; 1994. p. 231-55.
Tóka G. Pártok és választóik 1990-ben és 1994-ben. In: Andorka R, Kolosi T, editors. Társadalmi riport 1994. Budapest: TÁRKI,; 1994. p. 359-75.

The emergence of party images in Eastern Europe : some initial material derived from election programmes and sample surveys

Presented at the Symposium on "Political Parties: Changing Roles in Contemporary Democracies", Madrid, Spain, 15 – 17 December 1994

Tóka G. Bal és jobb : miért alkalmazható? Politikatudományi szemle. 1994;3(3):135-45.
Tóka G. Changing dimensions of party competition in Hungary, 1990-1991. In: Meyer G, editor. Die politischen Kulturen Ostmitteleuropas im Umbruch. Tübingen: Francke Verlag; 1993. p. 165-228.
Tóka G. The Impact of the Religion Issue on Electoral Preferences in Hungary 1990-1991. In: Gabriel OW, editor. Wahlen in Zeiten des Umbruchs. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang; 1993. p. 331-77.

Parties and Electoral Choices in East Central Europe

Paper presented at the Conference of the Centre for Mediterranean Studies, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK, 17-19 September 1993.

Heath A, Taylor B, Tóka G. Religion, Morality and Politics. International social attitudes report. 1993;10:49-80.
Kolosi T, Kovács R, Tóka G. Social and Political Characteristics of Voters. In: Andorka R, Kolosi T, editors. Social report 1990. Budapest: TÁRKI,; 1992. p. 405-17.
Tóka G. A kelet-közép-európai pártrendszerek oldalnézetből. In: Andorka R, Kolosi T, editors. Társadalmi riport 1990. Budapest: TÁRKI,; 1992. p. 359-75.
Szántó J, Tóka G. Inequalities of Material Living Conditions. In: Andorka R, Kolosi T, editors. Social report 1990. Budapest: TÁRKI,; 1992. p. 285-95.
Tóka G. Választási eredmények elemzése. In: Gyekiczki A, editor. Hol tart a szabad gondolat? Budapest: Politikai Tanulmányok; 1991. p. 165-92.