Publications of Schöpflin, G.

Bozóki A. Democratic Design and ’Return to Europe : Discourses of the Roundtable Talks of 1989. In: Bianchini S, Schöpflin G, Shoup P, editors. Post-Communist Transition as a European Problem. Vol 18. Ravenna: Longo; 2002. p. 31-57. (Collana di studi sui Balcani e l'Europa Centro-Orientale; vol 18).
Bozóki A. Post-Communist Transition : Political Tendencies in Hungary. In: Bozóki A, Körösényi A, Schöpflin G, editors. Post-Communist Transition : Emerging Pluralism in Hungary. London: Pinter Publishers; 1992. p. 13-29.
Bozóki A. Political Transition and Constitutional Change in Hungary. In: Bozóki A, Körösényi A, Schöpflin G, editors. Post-Communist Transition : Emerging Pluralism in Hungary. London: Pinter Publishers; 1992. p. 60-71.
Bozóki A. The Hungarian Transition in a Comparative Perspective. In: Bozóki A, Körösényi A, Schöpflin G, editors. Post-Communist Transition : Emerging Pluralism in Hungary. London: Pinter Publishers; 1992. p. 163-91.