Publications of Pető, A.

Pető A. New Differences? Competing Canonisation of History of WWII. In: Hüchtker D, Kliems A, editors. Überbringen -Überformen -Überblenden. Theorietransfer im 20 Jahrhundert. Köln: Böhlau Verlag; 2011. p. 67-75.
Pető A. Átiratok. In: Szilágyi Erzsébet: Emlékképek Norvégiából. Budapest: Polár Könyvek; 2011. p. 5-7.
Pető A, Waaldijk B. Histories and memories in feminist research. In: Buikema R, Griffin G, Lykke N, editors. Theories and Methodologies in Postgraduate Feminist Research. Researching Differently. New York, London: Routledge; 2011. p. 74-91. (Routledeg Advances in FemFeminist Studies and Intersectionality).
Pető A. Bridging Different Gaps: East, West, Europe and the US. In: Davis K, Evans M, editors. Transatlantic Conversations. Feminism as Travelling Theory. Burlington: Ashgate; 2011. p. 41-55. (The Feminist Imagination-Europe and Beyond).
Pető A, Dezső D. Teaching Gender at the Central European University. Advantages of Internationalism. In: Grünberg L, editor. From Gender Studies to Gender IN Studies. Case Studies on Gender Inclusive Curriculum in Higher Education. Bukcharest: CEPES; 2011. p. 103-47. (Studies on Higher Education ).
Pető A. Bridging Different Gaps: East, West, Europe and the US. In: Davis K, Evans M, editors. Transatlantic Conversations. Feminism as Travelling Theory. Ashgate; 2011. p. 41-55.
Pető A. Achievements and Contradictions in the Writing and Teaching Cultural History in Hungary. In: Rogge J, editor. Cultural History in Europe. Institutions, Themes Perspectives. Bielefeld: transcript; 2011. p. 141-57.
Pető A. Die Institutionaliesierung der Geschlechtstudien in Ungarn. Chancen und Beispiele. In: Binder B, Jaehnert G, Kerner I, Kilian E, Nickel HM, editors. Travelling Gender Studies. Grenzüberschreitende Wissens und Institutionentransfers. Münster: Westfaelsiche Dampfboot; 2011. p. 98-114. (Forum Frauen udn Geschlechterforschung).
Pető A. Anit-Modernist Utopia in "New Europe": Protest, Gender and Well-Being. In: Woodward A, Bonvin J-M, Renom M, editors. Transforming Gendered Well-being in Europe. The Impact of Social Movements. Fernham: Ashgate; 2011. p. 83-96. (Gender and Well-Being).
Pető A. Anti-Modernist Political Thoughts on Motherhood in Europe in a Historical Perspective. In: Kahlert H, Ernst W, editors. Reframing Demographic Change in Europe. Perspectives on Gender and Welfare State Transformations. Berlin: Lit Verlag; 2010. p. 189-201. ( Focus Gender).
Pető A. Inventing the Jew: Antisemitic Stereotypes in Romania and Other Central European Cultures. Vol 29.; 2010. (Shofar. An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies; vol 29.; no 1).
Faces of Death : Visualising History. Pető A, Schrijvers K, editors. Pisa: Plus-Pisa University Press; 2009.

Teaching Empires. Gender and Transnational Citizenship in Europe

Teaching Empires is a teaching text intended for undergraduate and post-graduate learning in a range of diverse geographical settings. The core focus is on the practical and reflective trying out of ideas and questions. Mindful of the implications for teaching, authors have constructed and included learning exercises, extracts and information.

Pető A. Viande et questionairs:de nouvelles sources pour une nouvelle écriture de l’histoire”. In: Combe S, editor. Archives et histoire dans les sociétés postcommunistes. Paris: Découverte, BDIC; 2009. p. 197-203.
Pető A. About the Narratives of a Blood Libel Case in Post Shoah Hungary. In: Vasvári L, Tötösy de Zepetnek S, editors. Comparative Central European Holocaust studies. West Lafayette Ind.: Purdue University Press; 2009. p. 240-53.
Pető A. Topography of Feminist Geneologies. In: Asberg C, editor. Gender Delight. Science, Knowledge, Culture and Writing for Nina Lykke. Linköping: Linköping University Faculty of arts and sciences Tema Genus; 2009. p. 383-97. (The Tema Genus Series of Interdisciplinary Gender Research in Progress and Transformation; no 1).
Pető A. Privatised Memory? Story of Erecting the first Holocaust Memorial in Budapest. In: Adler N, editor. Memories of mass repression : narrating life stories in the aftermath of atrocity. New Brunswick N.J.: Transaction Publishers; 2009. p. 157-75.
Pető A. Tuning Empires. Teaching Transnational Citizenship and Empires. In: Waaldijk B, editor. The making of European women's studies : a work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education and research. Vol IX. University of Utrecht: Athena; 2009. p. 28-31.
Pető A. The Archeology of History? Women’s History and Gender History in Eastern Europe. In: Avallone S, editor. The role of women in Central Europe after EU enlargement challenges of gender equality policy in a wider Europe. Berlin: Peter Lang; 2009. p. 99-111. (Marie Jahoda sozialwissenschaftliche Studien; no 1).
Pető A. From Visibility to Analysis: Gender and History. In: Salvaterra C, Waaldijk B, editors. Paths to Gender. European Historical Perspectives on Women and Men. Pisa: Pisa University Press; 2009. p. 1-11.

Rosi Braidotti (DVD)

This is a 110-minute video portrait interview of Rosi Braidotti covering family background, milestone events, key concepts, life, work, philosophy and more… Rosi Braidotti is Distinguished Professor in the Humanities and Director of the Centre for Humanities at Utrecht University. Her work is exceptionally significant in the areas of feminist philosophy, epistemology, poststructuralism and psychoanalysis.

Gender and citizenship in a multicultural context

The articles in this book share a dedication to broadening and stretching the scholarly field of feminist citizenship studies and invite the reader to reflect on the many different ways citizenship is formed in contemporary Europe. They do so by stretching the concept of citizenship itself, going beyond legalistic definitions, and by asking new questions about the ways in which citizenship is constructed, the entitlements to benefits, and to social and political participation, how cultures of knowledge allow participation and how inclusion and exclusion can be represented. In all cases «gender» is one of the categories that allow a deeper insight and a better perception of the way the ideals of citizenship have helped people to overcome exclusion. As the articles show, access to citizenship differs from context to context. Citizenship is never only a legal status: it has to do with cultural diversity, with recognition of difference, with access to professions and hierarchies on the labour market, not least in universities with traditions in political as well as visual representation. The collection is an introduction to new research in the field of European gender studies.

Pető A. Az étel nyelve. Az azonosságtudat és a szubjektiv hovatartozás hordozója. In: Passerini L, editor. A nők migrációja Keletről Nyugatra. Társadalmi nem, mobilitás és azonosulás a jelenkori Európában. Budapest: Balassi Kiadó; 2008. p. 174-91. (Feminizmus és történelem sorozat).
Pető A. Conflicting Narratives about a Post Shoah Blood Libel Case Budapest. In: Lappin E, editor. Die "Wahrheit" der Erinnerung : jüdische Lebensgeschichten. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag; 2008. p. 24-35.
Pető A. Die Marien in der Sonne (Die Apokalyptischen Madonnen). In: Laakso J, editor. Frau und Nation. Wien: LIT-Verlag; 2008. p. 137-74. (Finno-Ugrian Studies in Austria. Schriftenreihe für die Forschungsbereiche der Abteilung Finno-Ugristik; no 5).
Pető A. Gender im Unterricht in Ungarn. In: Kegyes E, editor. Genderbilder aus Ungarn. Ergebnisse de ungarische Genderforschung. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac; 2008. p. 29-40.
Pető A. Memory and Desire. Narratives of Pre 1989 Migrants from Hungary and Bulgaria. In: Kraft C, editor. Geschlechterbeziehungen in Ostmitteleuropa nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Soziale Praxis und Konstruktionen von Geschlechterbildern. München: Oldenbourg-Verlag; 2008. p. 291-309. (Bad Wiesseer Tagungen des Collegium Carolinum; no 25).
Pető A. Gendered Memory of Military Violence in Eastern Europe in the 20th century. In: Paletschek S, editor. The gender of memory : cultures of remembrance in nineteenth and twentieth century Europe. Frankfurt: Campus; 2008. p. 237-53.
Pető A, Waaldijk B. Theoretical Introduction. In: Demokraticheskij perehod I gender: uprazsnenie prapoditelnica” – Democratic Change and Gender: the “fore-mother” exercise. Budapest: International Center for Democratic Change; 2008. p. 15-35.
Pető A, Zonekke M. A ‘kameraadskes’ és a “testvérnők”. Nők a holland és a magyar nemzeti szocialista mozgalomban: motiváció és akarat. In: Bakó B, editor. Határtalan nők : kizártak és befogadottak a női társadalomban. Budapest: Nyitott Könyvműhely; 2008. p. 285-303.
Pető A, Kakucs N. The Impact of EU Accession on Gender Equality in Hungary. In: Roth S, editor. Gender politics in the expanding European Union : mobilization, inclusion, exclusion. New York ; Oxford: Berghahn Books; 2008. p. 174-93.

Geschlecht, Politik und Stalinismus in Ungarn. Eine Biographie von Júlia Rajk

Das Buch ist ein Versuch, ein Porträt einer am Zeitgeschehen aktiv beteiligten Frau zu zeichnen, mit besonderer Betonung der frauenspezifischen Aspekte.

Pető A. An Untold Story about the Feminist Association. In: Gazsi J, Pető A, Toronyi Z, editors. Gender, memory, and Judaism. Budapest: Balassi Kiadó; 2007. p. 107-21.
Pető A. Memories of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution: Narrating Gender and Migration. In: Isaacs A, editor. Immigration and emigration in historical perspective. Pisa: PLUS-Pisa University Press; 2007. p. 153-65.
Pető A. Stroezsty na csubsztvata v ungarszkoto nelegalno komuniszticseszko dvizsenie. In: Nikolcshina M, editor. Mecta na Ljubovta. (B tekstovete na gyeszet iztocsnoevropejki). Sofia: Altera; 2007. p. 43-59.
Pető A. Eszter táskája. In: Kósáné Kovács M, Pető A, editors. Mérleg : hátrányos helyzetű társadalmi csoportok Magyarországon 2007-ben. Budapest: Napvilág Kiadó; 2007. p. 165-81.
Pető A. Food-talk. Markers of Identity and Imaginary Belongings. In: Passerini L, editor. Women migrants from East to West : gender, mobility and belonging in contemporary Europe. New York: Berghahn Books; 2007. p. 152-65.
Pető A. In Transit: Space, People, Identities. Intermezzo. In: Passerini L, editor. Women migrants from East to West : gender, mobility and belonging in contemporary Europe. New York: Berghahn Books; 2007. p. 243-51.

Book review: Húsz év után. Társadalmi nemek és háború a 20. századi Kelet-Európában

Nancy M. WINGFIELD–Maria BUCUR (szerk.): Gender and War in Twentieth-Century Eastern Europe. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2006. 237 p.

Book review: Nancy M. Wingfield and Bucur M. (eds.): Gender and War in Twentieth-Century Eastern Europe

The article reviews the book "Gender and War in 20th-Century Eastern Europe," edited by Nancy M. Wingfield and Maria Bucur.

The State of Women's and Gender History in Eastern Europe: The Case of Hungary

This article presents an exploration into state of gender and women's history studies in Eastern Europe. The case example of Hungary is given, where strong institutional resistance and lack of leadership prevents the full exploration into the relatively new field of gender studies. Prevalent resistant attitudes of mainstream historiography in Hungary and Eastern Europe are described and criticized. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)

Teaching with memories: European women's histories in international and interdisciplinary classrooms

Teaching with Memories discusses the ways in which one can use the assignment to write the life story of a "foremother" as an educational tool. This book includes descriptions of good practice, short articles about the analysis of specific sources, annotated bibliographies, and a wealth of examples of assignments and questions that will help teachers within or outside institutions of higher education to work with this format. The book offers reflections on the way women's historians can connect research on women's memory with teaching in different European contexts.

Pető A. Politikai pártok és nőmozgalmak Magyarországon 1945-1951 között. In: Gyáni G, editor. Nők a modernizálódó magyar társadalomban. Debrecen: Csokonai; 2006. p. 278-92.
Pető A. A photograph. In: Pető A, Waaldijk B, editors. Teaching with memories : European women's histories in international and interdisciplinary classrooms. Galway: Women's Studies Centre NUI Galway; 2006. p. 46-50.
Pető A. All the countries of our foremothers were colonised by Russians except Yugoslavia. In: Pető A, Waaldijk B, editors. Teaching with memories : European women's histories in international and interdisciplinary classrooms. Galway: Women's Studies Centre NUI Galway; 2006. p. 125-36.
Pető A. Minutes of an Official Meeting. In: Pető A, Waaldijk B, editors. Teaching with Memories. European Women’s Histories in International and Interdisciplinary Classrooms. Galway: Women’s Studies Center; 2006. p. 32-6.
Pető A. The Appearance of Women's Equal Opportunities in the Conservative Political Discourse of the Countries of Statist Feminism. In: The making of European women's studies : a work in progress report on curriculum development and related issues in gender education and research : ATHENA-Advanced Thematic Network in Activities in Women's Studies in Europe. Utrecht: Utrecht University; 2006. p. 92-101.
Pető A. Memoria di genere e violenza militare nell’Europea Orientale. In: Calloni M, editor. Violenza senza legge : genocidi e crimini di guerra nell'età globale. Torino: UTET università; 2006. p. 13-24.
Pető A. “Redefinitions of “Statist Feminism” and Contemporary Conservative and Extreme Rightist Hungarian Female Politicians. The Case of the Hungarian 1956 Revolution. In: Saurer E, editor. Women's movements : networks and debates in post-communist countries in the 19th and 20th centuries. Köln: Böhlau; 2006. p. 317-37.
Pető A, Manner I. The European Union and the value of gender equality. In: Lucarelli S, editor. Values and principles in European Union foreign policy. London: Routledge; 2006. p. 97-113.
Pető A, Schrijvers K. The theatre of historical sources. Some methodological problems in analyzing post WWII extreme right movement in Belgium and in Hungary. In: Waaldijk M, editor. Professions and social identity : new European historical research on work, gender and society. Pisa: Ed. Plus Pisa Univ. Press; 2006. p. 39-63.
Pető A, Waaldijk B. Her present is my past : Teaching with memories in Women's Studies summer schools. In: Pető A, Waaldijk B, editors. Teaching with Memories : European Women’s Histories in International and Interdisciplinary Classrooms. Galway: National Univ. of Ireland; 2006. p. 118-25.
Pető A. Enlargement and Gender Studies : Possibilities and Constrains. In: Strategies for Gender : Women’s Studies in Southeastern Europe. Skopje: Euro Balkan Press; 2006. p. 14-21.

Book Review: Anselm Kiefer: Heaven and earth

Kiefer, A., & Auping, M. (2005). Anselm Kiefer: Heaven and earth. Fort Worth, Tex: Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, in association with Prestel.

Pető A. Női emlékezet és ellenállás. In: Markó G, editor. Az Elsodort város : emlékkötet a Budapestért folytatott harcok 60. évfordulójára 1944-45. Budapest: PolgART; 2005. p. 351-79.
Pető A. Egy elmeséletlen történet a Feministák Egyesületéről. In: Csapó I, editor. Feminista Almanach. Budapest: Minők; 2005. p. 210-20.
Pető A. Abortőrök és “bajba jutott nők” 1952-ben. In: Palasik M, editor. Házastárs? Vetélytárs? Munkatárs? : a női szerepek változása a 20. századi Magyarországon : tanulmányok. Budapest: Napvilág; 2005. p. 300-319.
Pető A. Átvonuló hadsereg, maradandó trauma. Az 1945-ös budapesti nemi erőszak esetek emlékezete. In: Valuch T, editor. Magyar társadalomtörténeti olvasókönyv 1944-től napjainkig. Budapest: Argumentum; 2005. p. 88-96.
Pető A. Hungarian Women in Politics. In: Breuning E, editor. Power and the People: A Social History of Central European Politics, 1945-1956. Manchester: Manchester University Press; 2005. p. 266-81.
Pető A. Perehodnij period pamjaiti ili pamjati o perehdnom periode. In: Shakirova E, editor. Bishkek: Kyrgiztan, OSI Network Women`s Program; 2005.
Pető A, Juhász B. Educational migration and gender: Women’s Studies students’ educational mobility in Europe. In: Griffin G, editor. Doing women's studies : employment opportunities, personal impacts and social consequences. London: Zed Books in association with the University of Hull and the European Union; 2005. p. 168-95.